When a firearm shipping label is made out incorrectly, it becomes a transfer. Transfers cost extra. Moreover, if the package contains a handgun, the owner of the gun has to prove Alaska residency to receive their firearm in Alaska. Please visit our Example Label page to see the correct method. One out of three firearms dealers not on our preferred dealers list mess up the label. They are accustomed to shipping transfers, not citizens shipping their privately-owned firearm from themselves to themselves.

Editing the label must be performed by the shipper and it is the customer’s responsibility to contact their shipper and compel them to do this. Often, the shipper will say that they ‘can’t’ or don’t know how. Some of the larger shops don’t want to do it since they have already been paid and are reluctant to correct their mistake. Should this happen to you, direct them to this post if they are willing to help. This can sometimes be time consuming depending on the size of the shop from where you gun was sent and the attitudes of the staff. If you are not up for the hassle, we can contact your shipper for a fee and try to convince them to edit the label but there is no guarantee of their compliance.

For hand written labels, simply make out a new label document and send it to our email in a PDF or Word document—a jpeg is okay if the lighting is good and the image clear but half of these are rejected. As the receiver, we cannot legally alter the label.

If the label was created on a website, login, go to ‘History,’ find the label in question, edit it following our guidelines, and email us a PDF of the new label. UPS and FedEx will allow you to edit your labels for a limited time even after the package has been delivered. USPS is more difficult. Since they improved their website, it has become tedious if not impossible to edit the original label.

The easiest way to edit a USPS Click-n-Ship label is to login, make a whole new label, save a PDF of the new label, email it to us, and then cancel the shipment. The date and bar code won’t be the same as the original but when we affix the new label to your package and photograph it, it shows the correction and intension meant for the original shipment.