I’m Brian Kerley. I started this gun shipping business with my late wife, Barb, in 2010. As a working pilot, I would meet our customers between flights, and Barb would handle the phone. The business soon grew, and I couldn’t keep up, so Barb took over and did almost everything. I helped her as much as possible, but she was the boss. She loved being in charge, and she was good at it.

We began as a home-based business in Tok, which was challenging for the 5th-wheel trailers and the big Class A RVs, so we rented a call-and-meet office trailer at Mile 1313 Alaska Hwy. The location next to the airport and diagonally across the road from Fast Eddies Restaurant made it handy for me and convenient for our customers.

We hired help in 2016 to assist Barb as her health deteriorated until her passing in early 2021. It is to her that I owe the success of Wolfhawk Gun Shipping.

I’m often asked how we came up with the Wolfhawk business name. We once lived off the grid on our homestead in the Mentasta Mountains before the age of cell phones. Our inbound communication was via the AM radio station KCAM, which took messages and broadcasted them four times daily on the Caribou Clatters. Like many recipients eschewing their real names transmitted over the wave, we assumed the handles, Wolf & Sparrowhawk. Wolfhawk is a merging of our monikers.

I’m a seasonal bush pilot, writer, traveler, and seeker of knowledge. Among many varied occupations, I’m a former commercial fisherman, EMT, carpenter, mechanic, crane operator, Army medic, ship welder, commercial diver, scuba instructor, flight instructor, and teacher.

In 2004, I earned a degree in aviation and began working for 40 Mile Air in 2006. I continued my education and earned a Bachelor of Arts in English and a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing. Ever a student, and when time permits, I’m currently learning to fly helicopters and sail.

Our legal method of helping customers ship their personally owned firearms to themselves between Federal Firearms Licensed (FFL) addresses was taught to us by our ATF inspector when we first attained our license, and we have been aiding and educating travelers going to and from Alaska through Canada ever since.

Thank you for checking out Wolfhawk Shipping.

Kind regards and safe travels,

Brian K. Kerley