How to Ship Your Firearm to Alaska
IMPORTANT: DO NOT USE FEDEX. All FedEx packages will be refused. Call us for options before shipping.
Please call or email us with your name and mobile number to schedule your estimated date of arrival. Failure to do this may cause unnecessary delays. When you or your dealer ships your firearm, handgun or long gun, shipping MUST be declared with the shipper. Here is what to do.
Go to one of our Preferred Licensed Gun Dealers, drop off your firearm(s), and ask them to ship your package to Wolfhawk Shipping in Tok, Alaska, via USPS Priority in a Flat Rate box.
Our address is:
Wolfhawk Shipping
PO Box 1004
Tok, Alaska 99780
See our example shipping label.
Our preferred FFLs will have their own fees and they know the difference between a transfer and someone shipping their own gun to themselves. Be sure to ship your spare magazines as well. Once your package has shipped, please call or email us, if you haven’t done so, with your mobile phone number and EDA (estimated date of arrival).
When you are a day out from Tok, like Whitehorse, Dawson City, or Haines Junction, call or email to update your EDA and schedule a morning or afternoon appointment. This will prevent unnecessary delays. If no one is scheduled, the duty person doesn’t come in until the next scheduled arrival.
Receiving Cost: $45.00 per handgun. Seniors, vets, active military, and traveling nurses get a $5.00 per handgun discount. See our Cost page.
Storage fees apply after 14 days. Visit our Firearms Storage page for details.
Preferred Federal Firearms Licensed (FFL) Dealers
Using Non-Preferred Dealers: Unfortunately, 98% of gun dealers will treat your transaction as a transfer even though it is not, and then they will make out the label incorrectly no matter how much you detail the importance of it. We will not accept transfers. If using your own dealer, they must clearly confirm to us in an email that the shipment is not a transfer and will not enter your private shipment in the A&D Book.
If the label is done wrong and we miss the refusal, it becomes a transfer, which requires you to prove Alaska residency, do a background check, and possible waiting period, as well as pay an extra $100 transfer fee per firearm. We will refuse and return all incorrectly labeled packages if we catch it unless prior arrangements have been made.
Shipping Your Handgun From Alaska
Call us during business hours and we’ll meet you at our office trailer. Let us know where to send your gun(s), how much insurance, and we’ll work up the shipping, insurance, adult signature, and our fee, which for handguns is the same rate per gun as receiving.
An off-hours meeting can be arranged in advance for a $50 call-out fee.
Check gun laws by state: https: //
Learn more about shipping your handgun or long gun from Alaska.
Be sure to check out our Frequently Asked Questions.